Mid & East Antrim Council seek rise in Rates Support Grant

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Mid and East Antrim Council is to continue to lobby the Department for Communities (DfC) to increase the Rates Support Grant, which contributes significantly to developing and enhancing the area’s economy and public services.

The system governing the Rates Support Grant is expected to be reviewed over the next twelve months.

Mid and East Antrim is one of seven councils in Northern Ireland allocated the grant, which is a measure of financial assistance applied to adjust for additional needs in a particular area.

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Each council’s needs is determined by adjusting the population estimate and the grant also takes account of other factors including socio-economic deprivation.

Elected members at this month’s full Council meeting agreed the Chief Executive, Anne Donaghy, should continue to engage the Minister for Communities, Deirdre Hargey, to raise the Rates Support Grant, which has seen a reduction of 22.5% since being introduced in 2012.